Updated Assignments with Voicethread

The newest version of Voicethread has significant updates that will benefit users at Haverford greatly. We transitioned to this new version over break and would like to share detailed information about these updates with any current users. Below are all of the detailed updates that Voicethread made regarding assignments and how both students and instructors…

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Collaborative editing and close reading with Perusall

Perusall is a powerful tool with lots of features. Students can work individually, in groups, or as a class to study, annotate and discuss docs and other media. You can also use Perusall to create assignments around annotations. While you can evaluate those assignments yourself, you can also have Perusall provide students with automatic, AI-enhanced…

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Video assignments via Moodle and Panopto

IITS is happy to introduce a new feature for the Spring 2020 semester. Students can now create or upload video from within the Moodle assignment tool. You can create a Moodle assignment that accepts video submissions pretty much like you create any Moodle assignment. This means that students can now easily upload videos of any…

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Can I share videos with my class in Moodle?

With so many classes online, many faculty are looking for ways to create and share video with students. This article will help you pick options that work for your needs? We look at several types of videos: feature films, online videos, and your own video files. Feature films Sharing feature films has both technical and…

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Scan Handwritten Work and Upload it to Moodle

Adobe Scan (free) allows the user to quickly scan handwritten or printed documents in order to create and share PDFs with others. STEP 1: Download and Install the App After downloading Adobe Scan from your online mobile marketplace and installing it, open the app up. You will need to sign in to the application with…

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New option for saving, editing, and sharing Zoom cloud recordings

In mid-July, IITS implemented a new feature for Zoom. Zoom cloud recordings are now automatically copied to our Panopto recording/video hosting system. Once on Panopto, you can edit, share, or delete recordings as you like. If you are using Zoom for an academic course, you can make the copy to go directly into the Panopto…

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