Zoom: Adjusting Shared Access Permissions

In an effort to maximize security, Zoom recently made a change to their API that affects certain users within our community who schedule Zoom meetings from their Google calendar. Specifically, this change affects people who use Google to schedule Zoom meetings for other Haverford users through what Zoom calls “scheduling privileges”. The adjustment that Zoom…

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Updated Assignments with Voicethread

The newest version of Voicethread has significant updates that will benefit users at Haverford greatly. We transitioned to this new version over break and would like to share detailed information about these updates with any current users. Below are all of the detailed updates that Voicethread made regarding assignments and how both students and instructors…

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Classroom Technology: Zoom/Panopto Tips and Procedures.

Introduction Several rooms on campus have been outfitted with microphones and cameras, which can be utilized during Zoom sessions and/or lecture capture (Panopto). The exact equipment within each space does vary, so be sure to check each room that you are teaching in for its specifications. This page on the IITS site provides specifications for…

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Syndicated Blogs with Haverford Sites and WordPress

Introduction Haverford Sites offers many unique opportunities for Faculty and Students to improve their digital literacy. Course blogs are a prime example of this. While students can be made authors of a course blog, it may be more beneficial for the students to create their own sites. This is where syndication comes in. With blog…

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