
Several rooms on campus have been outfitted with microphones and cameras, which can be utilized during Zoom sessions and/or lecture capture (Panopto). The exact equipment within each space does vary, so be sure to check each room that you are teaching in for its specifications. This page on the IITS site provides specifications for each room.

There will be laminated instructions on each lectern that specify the camera, microphone and speaker selections for Zoom. These selections also apply to Panopto and are included below for each classroom.

Screenshot that shows where to select the audio selections for Zoom.
Screenshot that shows where to select the video selection for Zoom.
Screenshot that shows the Panopto settings window.

Note that you will need to use the lectern computer in order to utilize the installed camera and microphones, as you will not be able to connect those to your personal devices. That said, there are detailed instructions below about joining your Zoom session with a secondary device. (Laptops, iPads etc)

Tips and Procedures

Adjusting Your Video Settings Within Zoom

There are two important video settings that will need to be adjusted the first time you initiate a Zoom meeting from each of the classroom computers. You will need to “enable HD” and uncheck “mirror my video”. Both of these adjustments are vital in ensuring that your remote students can clearly and legibly ready any writing on the white/blackboard. Follow these instructions to adjust the settings prior, or press the up caret next to the camera icon in the bottom left during a meeting to access video settings.

Screenshot of video settings within Zoom

Joining Your Zoom Session with a Secondary Device

As stated in the introduction, all Zoom sessions within a classroom will need to be initiated from the lectern computer. That said, there may be situations where you’ll want to share content from a personal laptop or use a mobile device as a digital writing surface. In these instances, we recommend that you connect your secondary device to the Zoom session currently running from the lectern computer. Follow the steps below.

  1. Log into on the lectern computer to start your meeting.
  2. Log into the same meeting on your personal device using the Invite Link or meeting ID. Make sure that the microphone and speaker on your secondary device are muted.
  3. As long as you’re logged in to Zoom on your secondary device, it will join the meeting as a co-host and have the ability to share screen. If for some reason your secondary device is not co-host, you’ll need to “allow participants to share screen”. See image below.
  4. Share the screen of your personal device with the meeting.
Screenshot of security tab within Zoom.

Zoom in a Room

While all hybrid classes will need to utilize Zoom in order for remote participants to view and participate in class, some faculty are envisioning their in-person students joining the same session from their personal computers. This would allow the remote students to have more personal interactions with their classmates, though it does present a variety of potential tech issues. In order to avoid these potential issues it is imperative that all of your in-person students mute their microphones and speakers. All audio in the room should run through the lectern computer. If students unmute their personal computer while connected to the Zoom session, you will experience extreme feedback. Please be very explicit with instructions to your students prior to allowing them to join the session from their own computers. Zoom in a Room only works if all of the in-person students connect visuals only. Obviously, your remote students can join the meeting with audio and video.

Adjusting Classroom Camera View

Each classroom listed above has a pan/tilt/zoom camera installed on the ceiling that can be controlled using either the A/V touch panel or a designated handheld remote control. This information is included above for each room.

It is important to pay attention to where that camera is pointing. A wide view may serve most situations, but if you’re writing on a white or blackboard, it is very important that the writing is legible to your remote students. There are camera presets that you can choose from in either case that will allow you to easily change the view in real time. The designated views for those presets will be stated clearly on the lectern within a laminated sheet of information.

Cleaning Technology Touch Points

At the end of each class, faculty are responsible for cleaning any touch points on the lectern that they contacted. These touch points could include the following:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • HDMI Cable
  • Wireless Microphone Pack
  • Interactive Display Pen
  • Remote Controls
  • A/V Touch Panel Stylus

There will be sanitation wipes next to each lectern. Please do your best to ring the wipe out prior to applying it to the touch points. It is very important that the items above aren’t oversaturated. Do note wipe A/V touch panel with sanitation wipes. Please bring your own stylus/pen to touch the panel instead of using your finger. If you don’t have one, you can pick one up at the ProDesk.

Alternate Visual Solutions for Seminar Style Classes

If you are teaching a seminar style class, you may find that the classroom camera is installed in a way that favors the front of the room. We understand that this is not ideal for discussion, so here are some alternate or supplemental solutions for such situations.

  • If the classroom you are teaching in has an iMac, you can choose the “Facetime HD Camera” rather than the installed ceiling camera. This will allow you to position the iMac such that it offers a view of the in-person students.
  • Connect a secondary device such as a laptop or an iPad to the Zoom session and place it so that the camera is facing your students. You’ll now have two camera feeds for the remote students. Be sure to follow the directions above regarding connecting a secondary device.
  • If neither of the options above will work for you, please request an additional webcam from A/V Services and we will work with you to ensure that your needs are met.

Active Learning in Hybrid and Physically Distanced Classrooms

Derek Bruff, Center for Teaching Director at Vanderbilt published this excellent article “Active Learning in Hybrid and Physically Distanced Classrooms.” If you install an annotation tool, “Hypothesis,” you can see comments  via Hypothesis annotations.

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