IITS recently updated our Panopto retention policy. The change will free up needed active storage on the Panopto server. As per the updated policy,  Zoom recordings on Panopto will be archived if they are at least a year old and have not been viewed in the past year.

This page explains more about this change and how it might affect you. Unless you teach a course that uses old Zoom video recordings hosted on Panopto, you are unlikely to be affected by this change.

Next archive action will be September 25, 2023

On September 25, we will archive Zoom cloud videos copied onto Panopto IF they were created before September 25, 2022 AND have not been viewed since that date. 

What is a Panopto archive?

A Panopto archive is a recording on the Panopto system that is not immediately available for viewing. However, you can restore archives with a few clicks and view them within 48 hours of a retrieval request.

What is a retention action or an archive action?

A Panopto retention action is a bulk action that sorts through all the videos on our Panopto system and either archives them or deletes them based upon established criteria. An archive action is a type of retention action. 

On September 25 we will archive Zoom video via a bulk archive action. No videos will be deleted at that time.

Do I need to do anything before September 25?

You are unlikely to notice this change. Should you want a video archived via this action, you will still see it on our Panopto site—although you may need to look for it in the archived video section. As noted above, no videos will be deleted; you and others can view archived recordings within a couple of days.

However, if you are teaching a course that uses Zoom recordings, and you have not taught that course in over a year, please contact us. We will make sure those video remain easily accessible to you and your students.,

What changed in the Panopto retention policy

Earlier this week, IITS amended our previous Panopto retention policy. Under the new policy, IITS will archive Zoom recordings more quickly than other recordings on the system. 

Zoom videos are now archived when they are at least a year old and have not been viewed in the past year. All other recordings are archived if they are at least two years old and have not been watched in the past year. 

Why did the policy change?

Active storage usage on Panopto is currently quite high. Unless we take action, we will likely use up our allotment before the end of this semester. 

Many people recording to Zoom cloud are not accessing the recordings copied to Panopto. Also, archived recordings are still accessible to anyone with access, albeit with a delay of up to 48 hours.

Archiving Zoom recordings more aggressively than other Panopto recordings—those made via the Panopto recorder or uploaded to the Panopto system—should free space with minimal impact to the campus. 

What is Panopto

Panopto is a lecture capture and video storage system Haverford uses for recording classes, meetings, interviews, etc .— as well as storing and sharing other videos. As of July 2020, Zoom cloud recordings are also stored and available via Panopto

Please contact hc-techlearn@haverford.edu with any questions or concerns.