Instead of losing valuable class time to unexpected campus closings during emergencies or inclement weather, consider developing a plan for connecting with your students online.
Email Your Students
Use Moodle to easily email all or select students in your course.
Synchronous Tools
Google Hangouts Meet
Google Hangouts Meet is a video conference system built into our G-Suite. With your Haverford email, you can use Google Hangout Meet to connect with your students including Bryn Mawr students.
Go to your email > Google apps > Meet.
Here are the instructions for Google Hangouts Meet.
Zoom is an easy to use online video conferencing and meeting software that integrates video conferencing, simple online meetings, and group messaging into a single cloud-based platform.
You can have unlimited 1 to 1 meeting with your basic free Zoom accounts, which you can sign up online on your own. Your Basic plan has a 40 minutes time limit on meetings with 3 or more total participants. If you need to have a meeting with 3 or more people and if the meeting lasts more than 40 minutes, you will need a Zoom Pro license.
The college has a limited amount of Pro licenses for Zoom, and IITS is willing to work with you to set up individual sessions with proper lead time. The advantages of using Zoom Pro include digital whiteboards, breakout sessions, and simultaneous screen sharing.
Note that participants will have to download Zoom’s desktop client, but do not need to have their own personal accounts. More information about setting up and running your own Zoom meetings can be found below.
Zoom Video Tutorials including live training. To take live training, please register online and choose Zoom Training for Education (Students and Educators).
Asynchronous Tools in Moodle
You can use Panopto to record your course lectures at home and share them online with students. There are some options to make the recordings interactive. You can insert questions in the recording or ask students to share notes.See our Panopto information, including getting a started video.
You can have threaded discussion using voice/video using VoiceThread (VT). VT is a web-based tool for creating commentary around images, video, or text. VT is very easy to use and can be assigned to individuals or groups of students.
See our VoiceThread information, including getting started instructions. is offering Disaster Readiness Planning webinar using VoiceThread on Wednesday, March 11 at 1:00 p.m. If you are interested, please sign up online.
Other tools in Moodle
Panopto and VoiceThread are externally hosted tools that integrate with your Moodle course. Moodle also includes a number of builtin tools which can easily be adapted to help you teach one or more class sessions online. The most popular are discussion boards (Forums), assignment dropboxes (Assignment), and online timed or untimed assessments (Quizzes).
Moodle Forums allows students to share and discuss ideas and files. The tool has a variety of settings to allow for different types of discussions and sharing.
The Moodle Assignment tool provides a great way to deliver and collect assigned homework. It will organize and time stamp submissions.
The Moodle Quiz activity helps you deliver and grade assessments. This tool can be used to deliver anything from practice questions to final exams. Questions with set answers (multiple choice, true/false, short answer) are graded automatically. Moodle quizzes also let you give automated or custom feedback to explain why answers are correct or not.
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The Instructional Technology Services is available to assist you. Please contact us at
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