logos of the tools listed below this post in textDear Faculty, As you prepare for the fall 2018 semester, we would like to share some tech tools that you could use for your teaching. If you have any questions about any of these tools, please contact the Instructional Technology Services (hc-techlearn@haverford.edu).  

Pre-class resources

  • Create a course site and organize all the course related materials in one platform:
    • Moodle: Haverford’s learning management tool
    • Haverford Sites: create your domain name and website using a program such as WordPress, Media Wiki, and Omeka.
    • Google Apps: a suite of web-based Google services such as Google Docs, Email, Calendar
  • Create online course materials:
    • Panopto: create online materials and post them via Moodle.
    • VoiceThread:  create online presentations and have threaded discussions.
    • Camtasia * : create screencasts.
    • iPad and Apps (eg. Explain Everything) * : create online materials using interactive whiteboard apps.
  • Use existing materials
    • Lynda.com: incorporate video-based online resources for software, creative and business skills.
  • Need Inspiration?
    • T.I.P. (Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy) videos: get ideas from your peers!

Inside the classroom

  • Use a computer: All classrooms have a computer, but you are welcome to bring your own laptop.
  • Project: All classrooms have a projection system with attached cables.
    • Wireless Projection
      • In all rooms, you can project from iPads and iPhones with AirServer.
      • In some rooms, you can project from any device with Mersive Solstice Pod* (check IITS website).
  • Record: Use Panopto to record your lectures and make the recordings available via Moodle. You can use Panopto in all classrooms. Some rooms have built-in video cameras and microphones. (Check IITS website)
  • Assess: Use clickers (Turning Technologies) for formative assessment.
  • Collaborate: Use zoom *(video conferencing tool) to collaborate with others.

Outside the classroom

  • Assign students to work on projects:
    • Haverford Sites: create own domain name and websites.
    • VoiceThread: create online presentations and share them with classmates via Moodle.
    • Media Equipment: borrow video cameras, DSLR cameras, audio recorders, etc for projects. Reserve it online and check out in Stokes 205 during the open hours.
    • Adobe Creative Cloud * (available in Stokes 205 and VCAM 101): work on creative projects such as videos.
    • Camtasia *: create visual essays.
  • Store and Share files
    • Google Apps:  write collaboratively and share Google docs with others.
    • Box: store and share files.
  • Conduct a survey
    • Qualtrics – survey tool
    • URL: haverford.qualtrics.com
      • Moodle – survey tool for your course (Activities > Questionnaire)
Most tools are available to all faculty members. Note * for limited licenses.

UDL (Universal Design for Learning)

The tools above help you to create a classroom based on the UDL principles.  (For more information about UDL, please go to http://www.cast.org)
  • UDL Principle I: Provide Multiple Means of Representation
  • UDL Principle II: Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression
  • UDL Principle III: Provide Multiple Means of Engagement

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