Speed Dating with Learning Technologies and UDL

IITS and Team UDL are planning a “Speed Dating with Learning Technologies and UDL” event during the winter break and we are looking for faculty matchmakers and participants! Veterans and newcomers to technology and UDL are all welcome to join this event.

Matchmakers: 10 faculty members who have recently implemented technology to create more UDL oriented classrooms, and who are willing to share your experiences with your colleagues.

Participants: Any faculty members who want to learn about technology and UDL for your classes in a fun and informative atmosphere.

Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019
Location: KINSC Hilles108
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m. including a wine & cheese reception
Master of Ceremonies: Fran Blase, Provost and Associate Professor of Chemistry
Event Registration: Please Sign-Up Online by Friday, December 14, 2018 (Both matchmakers and participants, please!)

How will the event work?

  • There will be 10 stations in the room with one matchmaker in each station.

  • Participants will spend 5 minutes in each station to learn more about the technology from the matchmaker and move to the next station.

What are the goals of this event?

  • To increase the awareness and use of learning technologies and UDL on campus.

  • For faculty to share your UDL practices using technologies and get feedback from your colleagues.

  • To have fun right before the new semester!

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

  • According to CAST, UDL is a “framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.”

  • To implement UDL in your classroom, you can use the UDL guidelines: providing multiple means of Engagement, Representation, and Action & Expression.

  • There are a lot of ways to use UDL guidelines without technologies. However, in this event, we will be focusing on learning technologies.

Please join this event to help raise the awareness toward learning technologies and their relationship to UDL on our campus as either matchmakers or participants!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,


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