We would like to invite you to a roundtable discussion on “Small Teaching and the Science of Learning” we are hosting at the end of August.

Date: Friday, August 23Time: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Location: Newly reconfigured experimental teaching space in Stokes 205
Facilitators: Liz Evans from LACOL and Hiroyo Saito from IITS
Registration: Please use this link to register for the event online.  

We will facilitate the discussion and engage in some active learning exercises using the resources below. We encourage you to take a look at one or two of these resources.

At the event, you will have time to reflect, share, and discuss “small teaching” techniques based on the science of learning with your colleagues.

Stokes 205 will be available to use as an experimental teaching space this coming fall. If you are interested in using this space as your classroom in the fall, we encourage you to participate in this discussion session.Please note that the enrollment of the room is limited to 16 students. There won’t be an instructor computer. If you are planning to use a computer for your class, we need to ask you to bring your own laptop.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

We look forward to seeing you on August 23.

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