IDTS is offering the workshops below over winter break.

Moodle and its Friends: Overview of Moodle and Companion Tools

Through Moodle, you can post syllabi and class readings, have students share ideas or resources with each other, provide low-stake and higher-stakes assessments, collect and comment upon student work, and more.

This workshop is geared toward those new to Moodle at Haverford, as well as those that want to refresh their knowledge and learn more about our learning management platform. In this workshop, we’ll look at Haverford’s Moodle learning management system and linked systems (Panopto for lecture capture, VoiceThread for online presentations and/or conversations around images, Perusall for group annotations).

Bring your syllabus or syllabus ideas and start building your course during this session! 

Date: Tuesday, January 16
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Location: Stokes 205D
Instructor: Sharon Strauss

Introduction to Gradescope

Thanks to a Teaching with Technology grant, Haverford started a pilot for Gradescope in the Fall semester. 

Gradescope can help faculty to organize student work, create and apply rubrics, annotate submissions with your comments and feedback, and distribute grading between graders. It works with paper submissions (handwritten work), online submissions, and online tests. Early reports from the pilot have been overwhelmingly positive. 

Kenneth Rogers, Turnitin Onboarding Consultant, will lead this online training for Gradescope. If you grade or comment upon student problem sets or worksheets or if you give paper exams, this workshop is for you! 

Date: Wednesday, January 17 
Time: 10:00am-11:00am 
Location: online via Zoom
Instructor: Kenneth Rogers (Gradescope trainer, Turnitin)